
This is a quick description of me.

Kaelan McGurk

This is Me

Hello and welcome to the blog I am obligated to complete by the organization that will sign a paper saying “Yep! He knows his stuff! Look, it’s notarized!”


My name is Kaelan McGurk. I am from San Jose, California (unfortunately) and my family moved out to Idaho right after I graduated from high school. I enjoy video games, role playing with my friends, digging into juicy data, and fine music (I am cultured after all).

I will be receiving a degree in Data Science from Brigham Young University - Idaho at the end of July 2021 and I am SO ready to not do homework EVER again. Until, of course, I have children come along and they ask "Daddy, Daddy, I have a spelling test on Friday, how do you spell attcak (attacc? atack?) and I cower in terror because OH NO 2nd grade spelling tests don’t have auto correct!

…but i digress…

Believe it or not this blog will ACTUALLY feature my work on data wrangling, processes in visualizations, and methods in machine learning. So if you are into that kind of thing (and humorous banter ((har har har)) ) then you have come to the right place.

Read on dear viewer, read on.